Jazz provide a complete helping international destinations call packages for those who want to contact with their loved ones or a known one across the globe.

They provided a vast list of countries which includes China, USA, Canada, UK, Australia and the list goes on with it’s own existing as well a discounted calling rates.

The list below provide complete details one by one. The list contains multiple countries like USA, UK, Singapore, Australia, China, Portugal and many more.

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Key Point

You can do call on international destinations whether you want to call on Landline or to a cell phone device.

Terms & Conditions

  • Simply dial 777 for activation of low calling rates
  • Offer is limited for personal use only not for business
  • Jazz can change the price range any time
  • Reach to customer service for any help
  • For existing customers dial 111


Yes, jazz provides a wide range of call packages for it’s customers to make long distance calls with sustainable prices.

Simply dial 777 from your mobile phone and you will get access to the international call setup at once.

Yes, Portugal is also available in the list of international calls.

Yes, Australia is also available in the list of international calls.


Being a top service maintainer in the whole tech industry jazz care it’s customer to make calls across the globe under sustainable price range and almost to any country and specific regions. They provide a list of countries for the jazz users to make calls with their loved ones or a friend. This article mentioned all the countries along with it’s existing and discounted prices with some important terms and conditions just above. Moreover for those who want to make calls inside the country can also choose the one accordingly.

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