The one who needs the fastest internet solution for one day can subscribe to jazz daily bundles. There are many sustainable Jazz Daily internet Packages such as YouTube offer, daily extreme bundle, social, daily mega offer, daily super, friends Gupshup, daily YouTube and super Ghanta offer.
Would you like to have unlimited non stop data connection for 24 hours, and don’t want to stick to the long term and pocket burning packages then here we provided multiple options in the list. The list contain complete details about the packages with its price range, internet MBs and many more related information.

The codes and prices for daily daily internet packages are provided below with complete details accordingly. If you need ROX packages and call packages then you can check it over here.
Jazz Free Facebook offer
The reason of Jazz Facebook Offer’s popularity is that it does not require any subscription fee and can be use any where around the country. Remember that this offer does not require any activation code you are already subscribed to the offer if you are a jazz user.
Jazz Free Whatsapp offer
In addition these packages requires a bit of subscription fee like Jazz Free Whatsapp Offer required 1.5 PKR by dialing the *225# activation code.
Jazz Daily SMS & Whatsapp
Jazz Daily SMS Offer requires PKR 10 and PKR 20 with activation codes *334# and you will get access to the sms facility at instant.
Jazz Daily Extreme offer
Jazz Daily Extreme Offers which can be subscribed through *757# respectively. The above packages/ bundles are ideal options in the list of Daily Packages.
Did you know
you get Facebook totally free with using jazz SIM,
but you should use free version of Facebook
Terms & conditions
- Being a user of jazz you can use Facebook absolutely free
- You need to flick the toggle given on right in your Facebook interface
- Be sure auto-sync is unchecked
- The free benefits available only on mobile devices
- To check photos and video you need to change it into data mode
- New users are also eligible to this package
Jazz Daily Super Hours can give you 2000 MBs by just dialing *757# with 35 Rupees only, the Jazz Daily Super Offer includes 1440 on-net minutes but reduces the data to 1000 MBs in RS 41. the next comes Jazz Daily YouTube plus Social and Jazz Daily Mega Offers which are also better bundles to be subscribed for daily usage of internet. complete details about these packages are given below with activation code and other related information. Also enjoy z7 com game with friends and earn money.
Jazz Daily Super Hours
Jazz Daily Mega Offer
Jazz Daily Super Offer
Jazz Daily YouTube & Social
Jazz brings you affordable daily packages tailored to your needs. For just PKR 35, the Daily Super Hours bundle offers 2000 MBs—perfect for quick browsing or streaming during the day. If you’re looking for consistent internet, the Daily Mega Offer gives you 1000 MBs at the same price, keeping you connected.
Need both calls and data? The Daily Super Offer has you covered with 1440 on-net minutes and 1000 MBs for just PKR 41. Social media users can enjoy the Daily YouTube & Social package, offering 1500 MBs for a full week at just PKR 27. Activation is simple—just dial the provided codes and stay connected!
Terms & Coditions of Jazz Daily Super, Mega, Super hours and YouTube Offers only
- Can be subscribed at any time of the day
- Can be consumed in any 2G/3G/4G network areas
- Can be subscribed again upon expiry date
- It is subjected to change at any time
Super Ghanta & Friends GupShup
These packages are ideal solutions in Daily Internet Packages for those who want to make a stable and fast internet connection for short period of time. some choices are given in the list below along with the complete details such as price, activation codes, minutes info, data and other. if someone is not comfortable with the activation code then there is an alternative way to subscribe these packages, go to the easypaisa app then select the packages tab, then go to the jazz packages section and make a subscription of the offer you want.
Super Ghanta
Jazz Super Ghanta is that kind of offer which contains 1000 MBs of internet data with activation code *638# in RS 20 only.

Friends GupShup
Jazz Super Ghanta is another offer which contains 1000 MBs of internet data with activation code *655# in RS 20 only.

One day packages of jazz can give you an unforgettable and seamless online streaming experience. Make the most of your online activities through these packages.
Super Ghanta & Friends Gupshup are valuabel In Jazz Daily Internet Packages
Other Jazz Daily Internet Package’s Codes and Prices
You can simply dial the codes given and subscribe to daily internet packages in your preferred time of the day.
Jazz day Bundle | Super Bundle | Super Plus Bundle |
Price: PKR. 30 | Price:PKR. 30 | Price: PKR. 35 |
On-net minutes: unlimited | On-net minutes: 1440 | On-net minutes: 500 |
Of-net minutes: 0 | Of-net minutes: 0 | Of-net minutes: 5 |
Internet: 200 MB | Internet: 200 MB | Internet: 500 MB |
SMS: 50 SMS | SMS: 50 SMS | SMS: 500 SMS |
Valadity: 1 Day | Valadity: 1 Day | Valadity: 1 Day |
To Check Status: *340*3# | To Check Status: *212*2# | To Check Status: *558*2# |
To Check Info: *340*2# | To Check Info: *212*3# | To Check Info: *558*3# |
How To Subscribe: *340# | How To Subscribe: *212# | How To Subscribe: *558# |
How To Unsubscribe: *340*4# | How To Unsubscribe: *212*4# | How To Unsubscribe: *558*4 |
Jazz offers affordable daily bundles to keep you connected throughout the day. For just PKR 30, the Jazz Day Bundle and Super Bundle provide 200 MB of data, 50 SMS, and plenty of on-net minutes—great for quick calls, light browsing, and staying in touch.
Need a bit more? The Super Plus Bundle, at just PKR 35, gives you 500 MB of data, 500 on-net minutes, 5 off-net minutes, and 500 SMS—perfect for staying active on social media, making calls, and sending messages. Activating these bundles is simple, with quick dial codes making it easy to stay connected without any hassle!
Some other Jazz Internet Packages
Prepaid Location Based Offers
Jazz always come with additional care to its customers and presented some Jazz Daily Internet Packages in the form of Prepaid Location Based Offers. Punjab Daily Offer with extremely adjustable price of RS 12, 1000 SMS, unlimited on-net minutes by just dialing *6000# activation code. then come the Sindh Daily Offer and KPK Daily Offer respectively with a little highs and lows in the package facility and charges, dialing codes for that can be found in the table right down.
Punjab daily offer
Sindh daily offer
KPK daily offer
Karachi daily offer
What is the Jazz Daily Extreme Offer?
To activate jazz daily extreme offer you can simply dial the code *757# from your SIM. by receiving the confirmation message you can you use it right away.
jazz customers can enjoy fast internet data speed with the help of extreme daily offer. You are free to decide the subscription of this package in your desired and free time of the day.
To Subscribe
More Information
To Check
To Unsubscribe
Dia *757#
Dial *757*3#
Dial *757*2#
Dial *757*4#
Terms and Conditions
The over all terms & conditions which may apply to all Jazz Daily Internet Packages are presented below in sequential flow. However some specific terms & conditions are given right down to that package in their own block.
- Any bundle from above lists can subscribes at any time of the day
- These bundles are not subjected to get auto-subscription
- For checking package information you will be charged Rs 0.06
- Internet packages can be subscribed and consumed in 2G/3G/4G network areas
- Rs 2/Mb is applied for overage internet bundle
- Package is subjected to change at any time
- If not subscribed to any offer you will be charged Rs 5/MB
Jazz daily internet packages are the absolute game changers in the world of telecommunication industry of Pakistan with sustainable and under control price range packages It is an undeniable service provider. whether you are professional, student or just a lover to stay connected jazz daily packages will cover everyone’s need effectively.
Subscribe to the package you desire with preferred hours and take your internet usage satisfaction to next level. You can get the exact match for your needs as listed above along with it’s subscription codes and the alternative way to get subscribe to the desire bundle you can check out Jazz World/Simosa app.