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Other Network Offers

A detailed section about jazz best other network call offers along with it’s complete details and necessary information. Moreover if someone need other than jazz more call offers then you must go through this complete call offers page.

3day gupshup other nework call offer

PKR 80 incl tax

On-net minutes 1000

Off-net 10

To Activate *631#

Three days gupshup other network call offer

weekly gupshup other network call offer

PKR 200 incl tax

On-net minutes 1000

Off-net 60

To Activate *407#

weekly gupshup other network call offer

weekly gupshup plu other nework call offer

PKR 200 incl tax

On-net minutes 1000

Off-net 60

To Activate *211#

weekly gupshup plus other network call offers

monthly other nework call offer

PKR 550 incl tax

On-net minutes 2000

MBs 000

To Activate *708#

monthly gupshup call offers

monthly gupshup other nework call offer

PKR 750 incl tax

On-net minutes 3000

Off-net 300

To Activate *708#

monthly gupshup other nework call offers

monthly video & other network call offer

PKR 1000 incl tax

On-net minutes 3000

Off-net 300

To Activate *625#

mothly video and other network call offer


To Activate just dial *708#

To Activate monthly social and video offer just dial *625#

To Activate the weekly gupshup plus offer just dial the *211#


This article concluded information about the jazz other network jazz call offers and all the necessary details such as the activation code, price and other important points are given above in the section.

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