Saudi Arabia Offer

KSA rates 2.38/ 15 sec incl tax


Activation code *452#

To Unsubscribe *452*4#

Info code *452*3#

Status code *452*2#

7daa2aa4 204d 4c70 8ae8 4f4fd8e42d28

UAE Offer

UAE rates 3.57/ 15 sec incl tax


Activation code *452#

To Unsubscribe *452*4#

Info code *452*3#

Status code *452*2#

0b573583 6243 40e9 83e7 5a08f59cf14e

Jazz provided a set of offers for the customers who want to make a call across the globe. Jazz Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates call offers are some special packages.

You can make a conversation to your loved ones and a friend or any one else through these packages under cheap charging prices.

dc9cfcb4 f57b 4d04 8f68 29c2813154bd

Terms & Conditions

Here are some important terms and conditions which may apply to jazz Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates offers, make sure to go through it for the perfect experience. Otherwise if someone needs some other daily call and weekly call packages then you can select the one there.

  • All charges shall be subjected according to applicable taxes
  • Offers are eligible in any area across the country
  • Price of the Packages are subjected to change any time
  • Multiple subscriptions at a time are allowed
  • For any queries reach out on customer helpline


A list of important and compulsory to go through frequently asked questions about the jazz Saudi Arabia and UAE packages.

The activation code for KSA offer is *452#

The activation code for UAE offer is *452#

The info code for UAE offer is *452*2#

The info code for KSA offer is *452*2#

Simply dial this code *452*4# and you will be unsubscribed to the Saudi Arabia offer at instant.

Simply dial this code *452*4# and you will be unsubscribed to the United Arab Emirates offer at instant.

Final Words

One of the best cellular network service provider in Pakistan jazz offers some packages for those customers who wants to have a conversation across the globe, especially to the KSA and UAE.

This article concluded all the necessary details and codes, prices and other requirements to the concern packages just right above in the section.

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